Friday 22 March 2013

Winter LookBook Coming Soon...

Coming soon shall be some ideas we have put together for winter. We cant wait to show you what we are coming up with.

Monday 18 March 2013

The Annual Africultures Festival

It has been a little over a year but we are back with our latest shoot. We attended the Annual Africultures Festival this year. It was an amazing event with many cultures from different countries around Africa being displayed. We met some great people and were continually approached about our colourful pants, hand made by Isaac's mother herself. Their were many african performances and stalls with a number of african foods, jewellery and clothing. 

Monday 10 October 2011

Fashion Through Culture Project

The way this project came about was quite funny. We both actually know the photographer. The aim for this project was to depict fashion through culture. Our culture from the roots of Ghana, we felt we wanted to give you our feel through OuR fashion.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Spring Ready...

This was our first shoot with Jade Berber and we were all really excited to see what was to come.We hit city & had trouble finding parking of course, but ended up with some great photos.

Ashley was her name and We’d describe her to be a “Free Spirit”, she's a backpacker from Germany and has been travelling around the world and was leaving for Hong Kong on the weekend. We only got to chat with her for second but really enjoyed it, she was so LIVE!! and coincidentally enough she happen to be half Ghanaian.